Aug 3, 2014

Naked Ritual: Woman Allows n**e Pastor To Pray For Her Daughters Without Their Clothes On

A father has been granted custody
of his two daughters after their
mother was was involved in church
rituals where members would
engage in n***d prayer therapy
sessions with their pastor.
The mother (not identified), had
told the court that the decision
was unfair and her her religious
freedom was violated.
According to the court ruling,
“When a parent puts his/her
children in a social setting with
n***d adults, and encourages his
(or her) daughter to receive
therapy from a man who
sometimes, in the course of
therapy, digitally penetrates the
vaginas of the recipients of his
therapy, the evidence sufficiently
supports a finding that the parent
exposed his/her children to an
injurious environment.”
The woman was said to have taken
her underage children to n***d
therapy, dubbed “Light Therapy” by
pastor Phil Livingston of Light of
the World Ministries in Wauconda,
The one-on-one sessions involved
church members getting n**e
before he would insert his fingers
into their private areas as he told
them to touch his.
Her daughters were aged 13 and
10 years old.
A former member of the church
testified in court against the
mother saying that she saw her
and her daughters in Livingston’s
home, where the sessions took
place, and noted that at one point,
Livingston asked the mother to
groom one of her daughters in
preparation for the ritual.
The pastor is currently being
investigated by the police.

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